New Nuxt 3.0 is out. Read about it here
The Intuitive
Vue Framework
Build your next Vue.js application with confidence using Nuxt. An open source framework making web development simple and powerful.
Modular & Instinctive architecture
How a user interacts with and experience your website is key. It includes a person's perceptions of utility, ease of use, and efficiency. with a great user experience in mind.
Nuxt server renders your pages to bring your website the full visibility it deserves so users will find you website.
Once the website is loaded, users will discover a new experience: an application feeling right into their browser.
Nuxt ships by default with best Lighthouse and Web vitals score so users won’t wait for accessing your website.
Nuxt ships by default with best Lighthouse and Web vitals score so users won’t wait for accessing your website.
Auto-import everything
How a user interacts with and experience your website is key. It includes a person's perceptions of utility, ease of use, and efficiency. with a great user experience in mind.
Nuxt server renders your pages to bring your website the full visibility it deserves so users will find you website.
Once the website is loaded, users will discover a new experience: an application feeling right into their browser.
Nuxt ships by default with best Lighthouse and Web vitals score so users won’t wait for accessing your website.
<Header />
<Footer />
<p>Mouse position: {{ x }} {{ y }}</p>
<script setup>
{ x, y } = useMouse()</script>
<h1>{{ &t('hello') }}</h1>
File system routing
How a user interacts with and experience your website is key. It includes a person's perceptions of utility, ease of use, and efficiency. with a great user experience in mind.
Static route
Nuxt ships by default with best Lighthouse and Web vitals score so users won’t wait for accessing your website.
Dynamic routes
Once the website is loaded, users will discover a new experience: an application feeling right into their browser.
Nested routes
Nuxt ships by default with best Lighthouse and Web vitals score so users won’t wait for accessing your website.
Nuxt server renders your pages to bring your website the full visibility it deserves so users will find you website.
Power up your app with Utilities
Ac euismod vel sit maecenas id pellentesque eu sed consectetur. Malesuada adipiscing sagittis vel nulla nec.
Built in comps
Consequuntur omnis dicta cumque, inventore atque ab dolores aspernatur tempora ab doloremque.
Data Fetch
Consequuntur omnis dicta cumque, inventore atque ab dolores aspernatur tempora ab doloremque.
Meta Data
Consequuntur omnis dicta cumque, inventore atque ab dolores aspernatur tempora ab doloremque.
State Management
Consequuntur omnis dicta cumque, inventore atque ab dolores aspernatur tempora ab doloremque.
Empowered commands
How a user interacts with and experience your website is key. It includes a person's perceptions of utility, ease of use, and efficiency. with a great user experience in mind.
Nuxt server renders your pages to bring your website the full visibility it deserves so users will find you website.
Nuxt ships by default with best Lighthouse and Web vitals score so users won’t wait for accessing your website.
Once the website is loaded, users will discover a new experience: an application feeling right into their browser.
Nuxt ships by default with best Lighthouse and Web vitals score so users won’t wait for accessing your website.
And even more
Once the website is loaded, users will discover a new experience: an application feeling right into their browser.
Deploy everywhere
How a user interacts with and experience your website is key. It includes a person's perceptions of utility, ease of use, and efficiency. with a great user experience in mind.
Nuxt server renders your pages to bring your website the full visibility it deserves so users will find you website.
Once the website is loaded, users will discover a new experience: an application feeling right into their browser.
Nuxt ships by default with best Lighthouse and Web vitals score so users won’t wait for accessing your website.
Lets go
Developers love Nuxt, the open source Vue framework built together with community. Nuxt powers the biggest websites like Big Website.